PTA Activities

School Year 2023 - 2024

  18/05/2024 - "Floor Curling" Parent-child Experience Fun Day
11/05/2024 - Parents' Workshop: Subject Selection and Career Planning with Graduates’ Sharing 21/04/2024 - PTA FAMILY TOUR
24/02/2024 - Parents' Workshop 3: How to Accompany Your Child Through Adolescence 07/02/2024 - Interclass Lunar New Year Fair and Cultural Festival Activities 
03/02/2024 - Making Chinese New Year Turnip Cake 28/01/2024 - Visiting Taisui Yuenchen Hall cum Members Gala
20/01/2024 - Parental Film Screening on “Time Still Turns the Pages” 02/12/2023 - Ho Fung College Information Day
24/11/2023 - The 2023-2024 Parent-Teacher Association Annual General Meeting 10/09/2023 - Ho Shun Primary School Information Day

School Year 2022 - 2023

13-14/07/2023 - Ho Fung Form 1 Freshman Registration Day 13-14/7/2023 – Second-hand School Uniform Charity Sale
6/5/2023 – Parents' Workshop 4: Subject Selection and Career Planning with Graduates Sharing 23/04/2023 – PTA Family Tour
11/03/2023 – Parent-Child "FloorCurling" experience activity 07 & 14/03/2023 – Big Brother, Big Sister Scheme Elderly visits
04/03/2023 – Parents' Workshop 3: How to Improve Children's Self-confidence and Self-learning Ability 19/02/2023 – Visiting Taisui Yuenchen Hall cum Members Gala
18/01/2023 - PTA@Ho Fung Lunar New Year Fair 14/01/2023 - New Year's Gift Making Parent-child Activity
10/12/2022 - "Internet Challenges in the 21st Century" Seminar for Parents 03/12/2022 - Ho Fung College Information day and PTA booth game
18/11/2022 - The 2022-2023 Parent-Teacher Association Annual General Meeting 0511/2022 - "The Wisdom of Parenting" Workshop for Parents
08/10/2022 - Parent Volunteers Experience Sharing Workshop 11/09/2022 - Open Day of Ho Shun Primary School

School Year 2021 - 2022

08-11/08/2022 - Parents' Classroom - Volunteers First-Aid Course 27-28/07/2022 - S1 Registration Day
25/06/2022 - Parent Workshop on Communication with Adolescent 11/12/2021 - 'Celebration of  Sik Sik Yuen 100th Anniversary cum Fun Activity Day' in Ho Shun Primary School.
04/12/2021 - Ho Fung College information day PTA booth game 26/11/2021 - Parent-Teacher Association Annual General Meeting
06/11/2021 - Parent Workshop on the Internet and Effective Communication with Children 09/10/2021 - Workshop on Experience Sharing of Parent Volunteers

School Year 2020 - 2021

27/11/2020 - The 16th Parent-Teacher Association Annual General Meeting 08/07/2021 - 09/07/2021 -  S1 registration day

School Year 2019 - 2020

22/01/2020 - 年宵攤位 09/11/2019 - 性格透視工作坊
18/01/2020 - 步步糕昇-蘿蔔糕親子活動 26/10/2020 - 家長義工及圖書館義工茶聚
13/12/2019 - 家長教師會週年會員大會 12/10/2019 - 地壺球親子體驗同樂日
30/11/2019 - 嗇色園主辦可風中學 45 週年開放日家教會攤位 05/10/2019 - 家長工作坊

School Year 2018 - 2019

11/07/2019, 12/07/2019 - 中一新生註冊日 01/02/2019 - 校內年宵攤位
14-16/05/2019 - 舊校服及制服回收活動 26/01/2019 - 製作賀年食品蘿蔔糕親子活動
18/05/2019 - 家長工作坊 -「與子女同行」生涯規劃家長工作坊 16/12/2018 - 參觀嗇色園太歲元辰殿暨會員聯歡會
04/05/2019 - 家長學堂-皮革手工藝工作坊  03/11/2018 - 地壺球親子體驗同樂日
10/03/2019 - 春季旅行 27/10/2018 - 家長工作坊 - 家長義工交流工作坊
09/03/2019 - 家長工作坊 -「子女交友倆心知」家長工作坊 20/10/2018, 06/10/2018
家長工作坊 -「性格透視」家長工作坊
02/03/2019 - 家長工作坊 -「情緒解碼」親子溝通家長工作坊